Hope you are having a blessed Holy Week. I had my first Holy Week in 2019 and it profoundly changed me - I wrote a reflection on it and thought I would do an audio of it and share it. Here is the text if you prefer to read rather than listen:
'This week has made such an impression on me and feel I have grown as a Christian. Up to now Easter has been about weighing up my desire for copious amounts of Easter eggs versus how much weight gain this would involve… Now it means something entirely different. My week has been full of images, words, light, dark, silence, contemplation and joy. A week of focusing on Christ with like minded friends. My week started on Monday and to be honest I did not have a clue what to expect – and the words ‘Holy Week’ had no inner meaning to me other than the facts stated in the Bible. Monday’s Stations of the Cross was not a good start for me. The reason? I was focusing on me instead of Christ. Walking around the church and standing at each Station was hard for me with my back and I had to sit down quite a bit. I was totally embroiled with my embarrassment of having to sit down instead of focusing on what I should have – Christ’s journey towards Crucifixion. It was all about ‘me’ instead of being all about ‘Him’. This ‘all about me’ sentiment stayed with me until Thursday’s Midnight Vigil and the Altar of Repose. Something then changed inside of me. As I sat in silence I was totally immersed in the vision of the Altar of Repose – the beauty, the sadness, the dark, the light, the stillness, the movement... The ‘facts’ then changed to ‘feelings.’ Holy Week and the Crucifixion truly entered my heart. On Friday the Church had a different atmosphere. One of emptiness – I think due to lack of Cross, Altar and Altar dressings. The afternoon started with a repeat of the Stations of the Cross. This time it was not about me but entirely about Jesus Christ. Yes I had to sit – but what does that matter. The important thing was that I was there. This time I was able to truly focus on Christ’s journey. The second part of the service was an hour of meditating on Christ’s last 7 words. The silence and contemplation on these words initiated another shift inside of me and further embedded Jesus into my heart. Interestingly I adopted the position of sitting with my hands on my knees for the duration and it felt so right. Prior to this I have always tried to firmly grasp my hands together – perhaps, or perhaps not, this helped to open my heart. The final part was the Veneration of the Cross – the placing of a ribbon and kissing the Cross. My heart felt so open to God Then we come to Easter Sunday – oh what joy – He is Risen! An early 6am start with bonfire and lighting of the Paschal Candle, and some very interesting images produced by the flames of the bonfire Then there was the point in the service that it was proclaimed that Christ is Risen – and sunlight streamed into the Church! My mood changed from sadness, silence and contemplation to one of joyous celebration. That joy has stayed ever since. What a truly amazing Holy Week - so many emotions - so much sharing. This has truly changed my Christian life. I entered Holy Week with Jesus living in books and stories. I ended Holy Week with Jesus living in my heart and a feeling of deep joy.' So that was 4 years ago – and what a journey I have been on since! Wishing everyone a very blessed Holy Week Thank you
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